Mr Low Sau Bing

Mr Low Sau Bing is a former Financial Services Manager with a top local financial advisory firm, with a practice spanning 8 years advising individuals and families in their financial planning.  He has been consistently in the top bracket of performers in his company, winning several sales and investment advisory awards.

After graduating from NUS with a BBA degree, Sau Bing went into teaching for 10 years at post-secondary institutions and thereafter in corporate training, with specialty in experiential learning. He became passionate with estate planning when he moved on to join one of the top local financial advisory firms, where he went on to conduct over 300 talks since 2003 to companies across industries and government institutions.   Among the organizations where he has given regular talks are Land Transport Authority, Spring Singapore, A-Star, Singapore Technologies groups of companies, Motorola, Singapore Police Force and the National Environment Agency.

A Brian Tracy certified trainer, Sau Bing uses his EQ Coaching skills (by LifeSkills) along with his repertoire of experiential learning modes (Professional Certificate in Experiential Learning, STADA) to engage his workshop participants to learn in a stimulating, engaging and refreshing manner.

He is also a Senior Will Planner (holds an Associate Estate Planning Practitioner certification) and is currently responsible for the outreach education programme for a well-known professional Will-writing services company.